

This little lion cub’s squeaky roar will make you say aww. Adorable video

The tiny cub, still finding its voice in the world, musters the courage to let out its first, squeaky roar in the viral video.

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A video of a baby lion's squeaky roar has gone viral.

In the vast realm of viral videos that often flood our social media feeds, baby animal videos always stand out, capturing hearts and spreading smiles across the internet. Shared by the X (formerly Twitter) account Science Girl, this adorable video features a momentous occasion in the animal kingdom—a little lion cub's first roar.

The video, which has quickly gained traction and garnered thousands of likes and shares, unfolds like a heartwarming scene from a Disney movie. The tiny cub, still finding its voice in the world, musters the courage to let out its first, squeaky roar.


What makes this video particularly enchanting is the raw and innocent determination of the cub. Its tiny frame and tentative roar are a symbol of the beginning of life's incredible journey.

Watch the cute video here:

The video has garnered over 4 million views. People were quick to shower the clip with love and admiration, celebrating the cub's courageous step into the wild world.

Adorable, right?

Edited By:
Srimoyee Chowdhury
Published On:
Sep 8, 2023